Environmental Services
Lodging and Vacation Rentals

The environmental health section is responsible for conducting annual sanitation inspections pertaining to sanitation and safety standards in state licensed lodging establishments in Stone County. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Restaurant and Food Service
A person who wishes to serve or manufacture food for public consumption is required by ordinance to first obtain a permit from the health department. These permits are issued following a review of facility plans and menu and assuring, by inspection, compliance with food safety standards and practices. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Septic Systems

Stone County Health Department is committed to managing the Onsite Wastewater Program with the issuance of septic permits, investigations and inspections. We also provide information through educational programs. All Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems must be permitted. This would include new, repaired and replacement systems. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Recreational Water Testing
The Stone County Health Department Environmental Services Division monitors several swimming areas of the James River for the presence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. These organisms are found in the fecal waste of humans and animals. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Well Water Testing
If you have a private well, the Stone County Health Department strongly recommends that you test your water for bacteria and nitrate at least once per year. Routine water testing is a simple and inexpensive measure you can take to ensure that your water supply is safe and to protect your family’s health. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Health Codes and Ordinances
Click Here for Health Codes and Ordinances