Board Meetings
Board Meetings will be held on the third Monday of every month unless it falls on an observed holiday. If the meeting falls on an observed holiday it will be moved to the following Monday. The meetings are held at the Stone County Health Department Reeds Spring location. Members meet in the board room beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Board Of Trustees
The Stone County Health Department is governed by a 5 member elected Board of Trustees. Board of Trustee members serve a term of 4 years.
Bob Fritz, Chairperson
Bob was elected to the Stone County Health Department Board of Trustees in 2012. Bob currently holds the Mayor position with the City of Kimberling City. He was formerly employed as a Respiratory Therapist with Cox Health Systems for 47 years.
Julie Green, Vice Chairperson
Julie was elected to the Stone County Health Department Board of Trustees in 1993. After 30 years Julie retired as a Registered Nurse from Missouri Veterans Home and also worked for Oxford Home Health.
Cy Bortner, Treasurer
Cy was elected to the Stone County Health Department Board of Trustees in 2019. Cy received a degree from Kansas University and is currently employed with the Reeds Springs School District.
Phyllis Knapp
Phyllis was elected to the Stone County Health Department Board of Trustees in 1983. Phyllis owned and operated her in-home daycare and retired after 31 years.
Trisha Riggs
Trisha was appointed to the Stone County Health Department Board of Trustees in 2024. Trisha is currently employed at the Missouri State University Area Health Education Center. She has a masters in Public Health and has worked in the field for 13 years.